
Soulflower Coldpressed Coconut Carrier Oil, 225ml

225 ml

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100% Pure, Natural, Virgin Coldpressed Soulflower Coconut Oil is naturally antibacterial.

MRP: Rs. 350.00

100% Pure, Natural, Virgin Coldpressed Soulflower Coconut Oil is naturally antibacterial, antifungal and an excellent oil for damage repair and moisturization. It soothes dryness, hydrates skin and scalp and protects for heat.

• Apply coconut oil all over the face with a cotton ball to remove makeup. Leave it on for 5 minutes and wash off with warm water and mild soap.
• Blend 4-5 drops of any Soulflower essential oil in a teaspoon of Virgin Coldpressed Coconut oil and apply for additional benefits.
• Leave overnight for better results.
shelf life: 24 months.

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